This seminar is different from other Christian finance seminars. The teaching does not feature merely "practical" information on finances, but follows Craig Hill's anointed understanding of God's Word in teaching finances from a Biblical and heart perspective (Matt. 6:21). The teaching and personal ministry opportunities will reveal root causes why you may not be prospering financially as you should. If your heart's desire is to be able to have an abundance to pour into God's Kingdom here on earth, this seminar experience is for you!
Financial Foundations Details
This financial seminar from Family Foundations is different from other finance seminars in that it does not feature merely "practical" information on finances, but follows Craig Hill's anointed understanding of God's Word in teaching finances from a biblical perspective. Craig brings a special insight on God's provision in the concept of "Sparrow Faith," and shows participants how the world's financial system is driven by the Spirit of Mammon, the force who would draw people away from believing in God's provision fo
r them. The teaching includes the building blocks to help people understand God's plan for their provision, and the five biblical uses of money.
Who should come?
* Anyone who is struggling to get by and desirous of getting out of debt
* Anyone who has trouble saving money
* Anyone who wants to learn God's wisdom on finances
* Anyone who wants to learn how to be a better steward of what God has given him or her
Topics Include:
* Discover the difference between wealth, riches and money
* What is "Mammon?"
* Learn a systemized guide to getting out of debt
* Learn five scriptural uses of money
* Learn how to release God's blessing in finances
* Personal ministry
In order to secure your place in the upcoming seminar, your registration form and payment must be received by the early registration deadline (typically one week prior to the start of the seminar). Registration after this date is accepted on a space-available basis and the early discounted registration fee will not apply. Because space is reserved for each registrant in a small group led by trained facilitators, all registration fees are nonrefundable after the early registration discount deadline.
A love offering will be received.
Clip - An Ancient Paths Seminar:
Financial Foundations - Sparrow Faith
Testimony - GOOD Plan - Stepping Up to Debt
Financial Foundations Details
This financial seminar from Family Foundations is different from other finance seminars in that it does not feature merely "practical" information on finances, but follows Craig Hill's anointed understanding of God's Word in teaching finances from a biblical perspective. Craig brings a special insight on God's provision in the concept of "Sparrow Faith," and shows participants how the world's financial system is driven by the Spirit of Mammon, the force who would draw people away from believing in God's provision fo

Who should come?
* Anyone who is struggling to get by and desirous of getting out of debt
* Anyone who has trouble saving money
* Anyone who wants to learn God's wisdom on finances
* Anyone who wants to learn how to be a better steward of what God has given him or her
Topics Include:
* Discover the difference between wealth, riches and money
* What is "Mammon?"
* Learn a systemized guide to getting out of debt
* Learn five scriptural uses of money
* Learn how to release God's blessing in finances
* Personal ministry
In order to secure your place in the upcoming seminar, your registration form and payment must be received by the early registration deadline (typically one week prior to the start of the seminar). Registration after this date is accepted on a space-available basis and the early discounted registration fee will not apply. Because space is reserved for each registrant in a small group led by trained facilitators, all registration fees are nonrefundable after the early registration discount deadline.
A love offering will be received.
Clip - An Ancient Paths Seminar:
Financial Foundations - Sparrow Faith
Testimony - GOOD Plan - Stepping Up to Debt