7 Reasons to Give to A King
1. Royal protocol requires that a gift must be presented when visiting a King.
-you cannot come to a king empty handed.
-give agift
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Golden Key that Brings Financial Prosperity ...

What Is it?
The Bible says,
"My God shall supply ALL your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus"
To experience divine prosperity, you first have to know GOD as your provider.
And to do that, you need to observe
the 7 laws of prosperity.
Failure to observe these laws gives rise to...
The 7 Common Mistakes ...
Here's how to avoid them...
Law #1: Tithing
The tithe is one tenth of your income.
When we pay our tithes, the Lord opens
to us the windows of heaven ... but this
is just the beginning.
When we pay our tithes, the Lord opens
to us the windows of heaven ... but this
is just the beginning.
Law #2: Offerings
You must be generous by giving freewill
offerings unto the Lord. This law ensures
that the more you give unto the Lord, the
more abundance you experience (potentially).
offerings unto the Lord. This law ensures
that the more you give unto the Lord, the
more abundance you experience (potentially).
While the tithe opens the windows of heaven
to you, your offerings will activate the
law of giving and receiving --
So you'll be able to receive and KEEP the
blessings in your storehouse.
to you, your offerings will activate the
law of giving and receiving --
So you'll be able to receive and KEEP the
blessings in your storehouse.
Law #3: Building His Church
God wants His people to participate in
building for Him, both spiritually and
God will always bless those who join
hands in building His church. You can
prove this to yourself if you know
of a church project going on.
building for Him, both spiritually and
God will always bless those who join
hands in building His church. You can
prove this to yourself if you know
of a church project going on.
Law #4:
Blessing Ministers That HE Sends
There are certain ministers that God
works with, period. As you come across
these people, you must be discerning
enough to reach out and bless them.
Remember Elijah of old.
And Elisha the prophet.
When you look after the vessels that
God uses, HE Himself will look after
you. It is as simple as that.
There are certain ministers that God
works with, period. As you come across
these people, you must be discerning
enough to reach out and bless them.
Remember Elijah of old.
And Elisha the prophet.
When you look after the vessels that
God uses, HE Himself will look after
you. It is as simple as that.
Law #5:
Break The Curses and Covenants of Poverty
Here is where many believers fall down.
It is clear that so many are operating
under hidden curses and covenants of
As soon as you break them, and then
follow up with regular tithing and
offering, the LORD will surprise you!
Here is where many believers fall down.
It is clear that so many are operating
under hidden curses and covenants of
As soon as you break them, and then
follow up with regular tithing and
offering, the LORD will surprise you!
Law #6:
Sowing And Reaping
Again the Bible declares: "While the
earth remains, seedtime and harvest ...
shall not cease"
Without seedtime, there can not be
any harvest. This is both a spiritual
and a physical law.
To walk in overflowing prosperity, you
need to sow good seeds into the work
of the Lord.
After you've sown that seed, then you
begin to pray in agreement with what
the Bible says ... and the law of
divine prosperity will be activated
for you.
earth remains, seedtime and harvest ...
shall not cease"
Without seedtime, there can not be
any harvest. This is both a spiritual
and a physical law.
To walk in overflowing prosperity, you
need to sow good seeds into the work
of the Lord.
After you've sown that seed, then you
begin to pray in agreement with what
the Bible says ... and the law of
divine prosperity will be activated
for you.
Law #7:
Become Skilful in Prosperity Prayers
This means learning to pray specific,
targeted prayers to release divine
This type of prayer is full of high
praises unto the Lord, plus machine-gun
prayers like this:
"I rise out of the dust of poverty
by the power in the blood of Jesus"
"Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts
and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in
the name of Jesus."
"I release my finances from the influences, control
and domination of household wickedness in the
name of Jesus"
"O Lord, let all satanic angels deflecting blessings
away from me be completely paralyzed, in the
name of Jesus"
For more information and updates
This means learning to pray specific,
targeted prayers to release divine
This type of prayer is full of high
praises unto the Lord, plus machine-gun
prayers like this:
"I rise out of the dust of poverty
by the power in the blood of Jesus"
"Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts
and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in
the name of Jesus."
"I release my finances from the influences, control
and domination of household wickedness in the
name of Jesus"
"O Lord, let all satanic angels deflecting blessings
away from me be completely paralyzed, in the
name of Jesus"
For more information and updates
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pastor's Testimonies
When my husband mentioned hosting the Ancient Paths Seminar here in our church, I was TOTALLY against it! My first response was NO! When he asked me a second time, the answer was still NO! Then, before I knew it, he had agreed to host the event. From that time on, I had made up my mind that this was HIS seminar and I would have nothing to do with it! I tried to use almost every excuse I could make up not to be present at the seminar.
So, on the first evening of the seminar, I told my husband that he would be taking care of HIS people when they started arriving. In my rebellious state, I would show my husband -- I would physically attend, but mentally, I would be somewhere else, ANY PLACE but there!
So even after the initial introductions, I was still a little bit leery of these people who had invaded. After watching the first video, all of my defenses/walls started crashing down around me! I found out some things about my self that I’m sure that I never wanted to know — my fears, insecurities, and the cursings that I was heaping up on my family!
It was as if a light came on and I could finally see what had been causing me such anguish over most of my life! I never had any idea why I did the things that I did until the seminar! I finally understood T.D. Jakes’ saying, “Woman thou art loosed!” I felt such a charge in my spirit - such a looseness of all the LIES that I had bought into for so many years and it was all due to the seminar!
The seminar brought REVELATION, taught me REPENTANCE, IMPARTED good manna for my soul, and has literally TRANSFORMED my life! I am thankful that my husband listened to God and did not listen to me! God knew that there were things going on inside me that needed to be “pruned away” so that I could go to the next level in my spiritual growth!
We were so impressed with Martha and Shaun Davy and the entire Ancient Paths seminar that we are planning on taking the training (for Ministry seminar) so that we can in turn help others who are buying into the lies and don’t even know it.
Shaun and Martha, thanks again for being obedient to God’s plan of planting Craig Hill’s vision of Ancient Paths!
Faye Epps
(Pastor John Epps’ spouse)
Simi Valley, California
Interestingly, our church byline has always been - Bringing and Building Families Together in Christ. The tools of FFI will surely be instrumental in achieving what God had put in the hearts of our founding pastors.
We would like to use many of these God-given tools to serve as the "motherboard" of our local church. Not that this was original design or intention, but why reinvent the wheel? The setting up of its platform can be duplicated in many churches, leaving the pastors and workers free to minister with the people through the Holy Spirit. It moves the concentration of burden-bearing to the Lord and not to the pastor. With it also, our church will share these joys with other churches in the area and serve them through this ministry. While others specialize in other ministries, we are asking God to make us focus on this ONE THING....to bring His people together to be that ONE holy, pure and blameless Bride for our Savior Jesus Christ - for isn't that His inheritance?!
For me personally, I wish there were more words than "excited" to express my joy in this gold mine of people and principles in Family Foundations. It is my prayer that the Lord will protect the ministry and keep it a happy and healthy (spiritually, physically, emotionally, etc) groomsman for the Bride of the Groom. God bless you all.
Pastor Alberto Fernandez
Community of Faith Alliance Church
Manila, Philippines
year ago, not a soul in our church had attended an Ancient Paths seminar. We had positive reports of it, through our missionaries in Brazil, but had never heard of one in our area. 9 months and 14 seminars/trainings later, we are convinced that these seminars are potent in reaching to the depths of the heart, bringing forth permanent life change through Jesus Christ.
After hosting our first seminar, we noticed one wonderful result. Some of the individuals we had been meeting with for pastoral care, were changed more deeply in one seminar, than anything we had accomplished in many weeks of counseling. We pastor a church full of hurting people, as many of you do, people whose lives have been torn apart by divorce, abuse, drugs, criticism, and more. To see Jesus transform these lives was ample reason to motivate us to refocus energy into bringing more of these seminars into our church. They fill quickly as others see the changes in those they live and work with. We now host the seminar monthly for our region, with 12-19 different churches represented at each Ancient Paths seminar through participants and team. It is a wonderful example of the Body of Christ working together.
At one point, we had concern about draining needed personnel from other ministry responsibilities as we expanded our involvement with Ancient Paths and other FFI seminars. As it turns out, we have enlarged the pool of healthy, serving members at Word of Life, and are seeing an explosion of growth in the number of ministries and leaders we are overseeing. The individuals who have been through FFI’s “Training for Ministry” are even more effective now in other ministries in our church, such as men, women, children, and youth.
Our belief in the value of these seminars is so strong that we have assigned one of our associate pastors to invest the majority of her time & energy into expanding Family Foundation Int’l ministry into the Pacific Northwest and overseas. As a team, we are committed to helping other churches bring this seminar to their area. If you want to talk with us, just call. We will be glad to speak candidly with you from a pastor’s perspective about any questions you might have.
Carl Hampsch, Senior Pastor
Sally Scammell, Associate Pastor
Talmadge McCamment, Associate Pastor
Word of Life Community Church
Spokane, Washington
Here is what leadership of a church in Florida reported after holding an Ancient Paths Seminar:
"...This ministry is the best ministry I know of to set people free and bring lasting change to people's lives in the shortest length of time. We have had many other ministries here...but none as effective as the Family Foundations ministry."
The Pastor of a church in Virginia recently sent the following note following his church's first Ancient Paths Seminar:
"Thank you so much for the Ancient Paths Seminar...several people have show enduring signs of the blessing the received, including my wife. As for me, the teaching was some of the clearest, most mature and biblical (without being obnoxiously fundamentalist) that I've ever heard. It put many points together for me that have altered my worldview."
The Pastor of Calvary Assembly of God in Pottstown PA wrote this note following his first Ancient Paths Seminar:
"The Ancient Paths Seminar done by Craig Hill on video was time well spent. The seminar itself was done in very good order with the teaching sessions, small groups and breaks. As Craig Hill taught, he brought out the depth of the Word in very simplistic and understandable language. He told real life stories which the average person can relate to and apply their truths to their lives. Although I didn't know what this ministry was about before the seminar started, I am glad I was introduced to it and attended it. I would recommend this ministry to any church that is seeking to draw its congregation to a closer walk with the Lord."
So, on the first evening of the seminar, I told my husband that he would be taking care of HIS people when they started arriving. In my rebellious state, I would show my husband -- I would physically attend, but mentally, I would be somewhere else, ANY PLACE but there!
So even after the initial introductions, I was still a little bit leery of these people who had invaded. After watching the first video, all of my defenses/walls started crashing down around me! I found out some things about my self that I’m sure that I never wanted to know — my fears, insecurities, and the cursings that I was heaping up on my family!
It was as if a light came on and I could finally see what had been causing me such anguish over most of my life! I never had any idea why I did the things that I did until the seminar! I finally understood T.D. Jakes’ saying, “Woman thou art loosed!” I felt such a charge in my spirit - such a looseness of all the LIES that I had bought into for so many years and it was all due to the seminar!
The seminar brought REVELATION, taught me REPENTANCE, IMPARTED good manna for my soul, and has literally TRANSFORMED my life! I am thankful that my husband listened to God and did not listen to me! God knew that there were things going on inside me that needed to be “pruned away” so that I could go to the next level in my spiritual growth!
We were so impressed with Martha and Shaun Davy and the entire Ancient Paths seminar that we are planning on taking the training (for Ministry seminar) so that we can in turn help others who are buying into the lies and don’t even know it.
Shaun and Martha, thanks again for being obedient to God’s plan of planting Craig Hill’s vision of Ancient Paths!
Faye Epps
(Pastor John Epps’ spouse)
Simi Valley, California
Interestingly, our church byline has always been - Bringing and Building Families Together in Christ. The tools of FFI will surely be instrumental in achieving what God had put in the hearts of our founding pastors.
We would like to use many of these God-given tools to serve as the "motherboard" of our local church. Not that this was original design or intention, but why reinvent the wheel? The setting up of its platform can be duplicated in many churches, leaving the pastors and workers free to minister with the people through the Holy Spirit. It moves the concentration of burden-bearing to the Lord and not to the pastor. With it also, our church will share these joys with other churches in the area and serve them through this ministry. While others specialize in other ministries, we are asking God to make us focus on this ONE THING....to bring His people together to be that ONE holy, pure and blameless Bride for our Savior Jesus Christ - for isn't that His inheritance?!
For me personally, I wish there were more words than "excited" to express my joy in this gold mine of people and principles in Family Foundations. It is my prayer that the Lord will protect the ministry and keep it a happy and healthy (spiritually, physically, emotionally, etc) groomsman for the Bride of the Groom. God bless you all.
Pastor Alberto Fernandez
Community of Faith Alliance Church
Manila, Philippines
year ago, not a soul in our church had attended an Ancient Paths seminar. We had positive reports of it, through our missionaries in Brazil, but had never heard of one in our area. 9 months and 14 seminars/trainings later, we are convinced that these seminars are potent in reaching to the depths of the heart, bringing forth permanent life change through Jesus Christ.
After hosting our first seminar, we noticed one wonderful result. Some of the individuals we had been meeting with for pastoral care, were changed more deeply in one seminar, than anything we had accomplished in many weeks of counseling. We pastor a church full of hurting people, as many of you do, people whose lives have been torn apart by divorce, abuse, drugs, criticism, and more. To see Jesus transform these lives was ample reason to motivate us to refocus energy into bringing more of these seminars into our church. They fill quickly as others see the changes in those they live and work with. We now host the seminar monthly for our region, with 12-19 different churches represented at each Ancient Paths seminar through participants and team. It is a wonderful example of the Body of Christ working together.
At one point, we had concern about draining needed personnel from other ministry responsibilities as we expanded our involvement with Ancient Paths and other FFI seminars. As it turns out, we have enlarged the pool of healthy, serving members at Word of Life, and are seeing an explosion of growth in the number of ministries and leaders we are overseeing. The individuals who have been through FFI’s “Training for Ministry” are even more effective now in other ministries in our church, such as men, women, children, and youth.
Our belief in the value of these seminars is so strong that we have assigned one of our associate pastors to invest the majority of her time & energy into expanding Family Foundation Int’l ministry into the Pacific Northwest and overseas. As a team, we are committed to helping other churches bring this seminar to their area. If you want to talk with us, just call. We will be glad to speak candidly with you from a pastor’s perspective about any questions you might have.
Carl Hampsch, Senior Pastor
Sally Scammell, Associate Pastor
Talmadge McCamment, Associate Pastor
Word of Life Community Church
Spokane, Washington
Here is what leadership of a church in Florida reported after holding an Ancient Paths Seminar:
"...This ministry is the best ministry I know of to set people free and bring lasting change to people's lives in the shortest length of time. We have had many other ministries here...but none as effective as the Family Foundations ministry."
The Pastor of a church in Virginia recently sent the following note following his church's first Ancient Paths Seminar:
"Thank you so much for the Ancient Paths Seminar...several people have show enduring signs of the blessing the received, including my wife. As for me, the teaching was some of the clearest, most mature and biblical (without being obnoxiously fundamentalist) that I've ever heard. It put many points together for me that have altered my worldview."
The Pastor of Calvary Assembly of God in Pottstown PA wrote this note following his first Ancient Paths Seminar:
"The Ancient Paths Seminar done by Craig Hill on video was time well spent. The seminar itself was done in very good order with the teaching sessions, small groups and breaks. As Craig Hill taught, he brought out the depth of the Word in very simplistic and understandable language. He told real life stories which the average person can relate to and apply their truths to their lives. Although I didn't know what this ministry was about before the seminar started, I am glad I was introduced to it and attended it. I would recommend this ministry to any church that is seeking to draw its congregation to a closer walk with the Lord."
Pastor's Testimonies About ancient Path Seminars
Pastor's Testimonies about The Ancient Paths Seminars PDF | Print | E-mail
I am a blessed man. It was not always so. I come from a family of 12 children. There was a time when my life was bound by alcohol. Everywhere I looked, alcohol prevailed. My great-grandfather was an alcoholic, my grandfather was, my dad was, my brothers were, my uncles and everyone I knew were alcoholics! Not surprising, by age 12 I had experienced the effects of alcohol and it soon became the single most dominating part of my life.
As it is with alcoholism, sinfulness and devastation followed closely behind. My wife and I conceived our first child out of wedlock. Our finances were crippled and our marriage was in shambles. We had religion, but it did nothing for us!
We struggled through life for many years and then heard about a seminar called “Ancient Paths.” We attended not fully understanding what it was about or what it could do for us. It became a pivotal moment in our lives. It caused us to change. We took what we learned, applied those truths to our lives, and our lives became meaningful and wholesome.
We repented of our sins. We asked each other’s forgiveness. Then we blessed each other and asked God to bless our marriage. We didn’t stop there. We gathered together our whole family, three daughters, three sons-in-law, and our grandchildren. We explained to them what we had discovered. Then we washed their feet, and begged their forgiveness.
Generational curses began to break. Lies broke. Mistrust broke. Financial devastation broke. Just as Craig Hill had said, alcoholism broke. Not only did it break in our lives but no longer do our daughters, our sons-in-law, or our grandchildren drink. Not curses, but blessings are now being passed from one generation to another.
I’ve never heard anyone else say this, but although we never told our parents living away in another state what we experienced, the alcoholism broke in my dad’s life as well. At the age of 72 he quit drinking without notice! Blessings were not only being passed down, they started going up too!
My dad was never a religious man. At the age of 72, partly because of his drinking I suppose, he became a very sick man. Every time I went to visit him, I would pray for him before leaving. On one occasion, when it came time to leave, my mother asked if I would pray for him. I was running late and in a big hurry. I expressed desire to leave quickly. My mother could not believe it! “You’re not going to pray for your dad?” she asked repeatedly. I decided to go ahead with it when she said he was already up and waiting for me.
I entered the room and I placed my hand on his shoulder. But nothing came to me. “Lord” I said, “bless my dad and - - -” and words would not come to me. My dad took my hand from his shoulder, moved onto his heart and began saying “Father, bless my son. Bless his life. Bless his work. Bless his wife and his family. Bless his ministry. Bless him as he comes and goes. Bless everything he does and everything he says”. To my knowledge I am the only one of his children that he blessed before he passed on.
By the way, he committed his life to the Lord before he died. God is so gracious! Thanks FFI.
Pastor Steve Connelly
Living Springs Assembly of God
Glendale, Arizona
(623) 935-3202
I am a blessed man. It was not always so. I come from a family of 12 children. There was a time when my life was bound by alcohol. Everywhere I looked, alcohol prevailed. My great-grandfather was an alcoholic, my grandfather was, my dad was, my brothers were, my uncles and everyone I knew were alcoholics! Not surprising, by age 12 I had experienced the effects of alcohol and it soon became the single most dominating part of my life.
As it is with alcoholism, sinfulness and devastation followed closely behind. My wife and I conceived our first child out of wedlock. Our finances were crippled and our marriage was in shambles. We had religion, but it did nothing for us!
We struggled through life for many years and then heard about a seminar called “Ancient Paths.” We attended not fully understanding what it was about or what it could do for us. It became a pivotal moment in our lives. It caused us to change. We took what we learned, applied those truths to our lives, and our lives became meaningful and wholesome.
We repented of our sins. We asked each other’s forgiveness. Then we blessed each other and asked God to bless our marriage. We didn’t stop there. We gathered together our whole family, three daughters, three sons-in-law, and our grandchildren. We explained to them what we had discovered. Then we washed their feet, and begged their forgiveness.
Generational curses began to break. Lies broke. Mistrust broke. Financial devastation broke. Just as Craig Hill had said, alcoholism broke. Not only did it break in our lives but no longer do our daughters, our sons-in-law, or our grandchildren drink. Not curses, but blessings are now being passed from one generation to another.
I’ve never heard anyone else say this, but although we never told our parents living away in another state what we experienced, the alcoholism broke in my dad’s life as well. At the age of 72 he quit drinking without notice! Blessings were not only being passed down, they started going up too!
My dad was never a religious man. At the age of 72, partly because of his drinking I suppose, he became a very sick man. Every time I went to visit him, I would pray for him before leaving. On one occasion, when it came time to leave, my mother asked if I would pray for him. I was running late and in a big hurry. I expressed desire to leave quickly. My mother could not believe it! “You’re not going to pray for your dad?” she asked repeatedly. I decided to go ahead with it when she said he was already up and waiting for me.
I entered the room and I placed my hand on his shoulder. But nothing came to me. “Lord” I said, “bless my dad and - - -” and words would not come to me. My dad took my hand from his shoulder, moved onto his heart and began saying “Father, bless my son. Bless his life. Bless his work. Bless his wife and his family. Bless his ministry. Bless him as he comes and goes. Bless everything he does and everything he says”. To my knowledge I am the only one of his children that he blessed before he passed on.
By the way, he committed his life to the Lord before he died. God is so gracious! Thanks FFI.
Pastor Steve Connelly
Living Springs Assembly of God
Glendale, Arizona
(623) 935-3202
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What can I learnt from Financial Literacy Seminar
This one day workshop will take you through the process starting from The Rat Race to the Fast Track, where the rich play their game.
Everyone have a Dream – to be financial free, where you have the choice to choose to do whatever you want with whoever you want and whenever you want.
But before achieving our Dream of Financial Freedom we need to know how money is made by the Poor, Middle Income and The Rich. Also we need to know how the Rich spend to be Rich.
Everyone have a Dream – to be financial free, where you have the choice to choose to do whatever you want with whoever you want and whenever you want.
But before achieving our Dream of Financial Freedom we need to know how money is made by the Poor, Middle Income and The Rich. Also we need to know how the Rich spend to be Rich.
- What type of income the Rich go for that the Poor don't.
- What the Rich do that the poor don't.
- What the Rich know that the poor don't know
- What type of education the Rich have that the poor and middle income doesn't have.
- What types of Investment vehicles the Rich use to made them Richer everyday.
- How you can work less and yet make more money.
- How you can make MONEY whilst you are on holidays or on the golf course etc.
- How to use other people's money to make you richer.
- What type of debt is good and what type is bad.
- Learn how to fill up your personal balance sheet.
“In school how well you perform, people judge you by your report book, whilst in society how successful you are, people judge you by your Financial balances sheet. “ – Richdad.
- How to print money instead of working hard for it.
- Why money is just an idea.
- Why investment is always safe.
“The main reason people struggle financially is because they spend years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is people learn to work for money – but never learn how to have money work for them” – Robert Kiyosaki.
- How you can make money in a bad market and in a good market.
- When is the time you make money, when you buy or sell?
- How to use other people's time to make you richer.
“Wealth has very little to do with timing, education or even how much money you are making – it is merely a matter of getting the right education, mindset and discipline. Create huge sum of money without investing huge sum of money up front and without putting hard earned saving at risk.”
- Why your home can be your liability instead of an asset.
- What your CPA or your banker did not tell you.
- Why middle income people are loading up with liability without knowing about it.
- Simple rules of the thumb to differential between Asset and Liability.
Middle Class : Habit of Thinking is
How can I work hard so I can buy more toys. i.e. sport car, yacht, etc. Which are really liability?
Working 7 days a week is not the solution to your being able to retire. Because the old strategies of the Industrial Age do not work in the Information Age . Your employer and your government are not going to take care of you when you retire.
Rich Habit - How can I acquire more assets that will pay for my toys? which are really liabilities.
Cashflow® 101 - The most powerful financial education board game will be used to demonstrate to you. Cashflow® 101 - It is a mirror reflection of the real life behavior of the rich, middle income and poor. Similarity of real life from Cashflow® 101 will be shared with you by the speaker. You will be trained instantly the habits of the rich.
How can I work hard so I can buy more toys. i.e. sport car, yacht, etc. Which are really liability?
Working 7 days a week is not the solution to your being able to retire. Because the old strategies of the Industrial Age do not work in the Information Age . Your employer and your government are not going to take care of you when you retire.
Rich Habit - How can I acquire more assets that will pay for my toys? which are really liabilities.
Cashflow® 101 - The most powerful financial education board game will be used to demonstrate to you. Cashflow® 101 - It is a mirror reflection of the real life behavior of the rich, middle income and poor. Similarity of real life from Cashflow® 101 will be shared with you by the speaker. You will be trained instantly the habits of the rich.
Rich Dad Asia- Cash Flow FAQ
Learn the cash flow 101 and be financial literate
How to stop envying the Rich but to be the Rich
Most people envy other Rich & Successful and deny themselves to be Rich,m because they don’t believe that they too can be RICH, we will share with you what the rich believe in to make them rich.
RichDad’s Mission
“To Elevate The Financial Well-Being Of Humanity
To Promote Financial Literacy & Education
To Refuse To Accept “Traditional” Thinking And Answers As Fact”
What is Rat Race?
Robert Kiyosaki defined the "Rat Race" for us.
"If you look at the life of the average-educated, hard-working person, there is a similar path. The child is born and goes to school.
The proud parents are excited because the child excels, get fair to good grades, and is accepted into a college.
The child graduates, maybe goes on to graduate school and then does exactly as programmed: looks for a safe, secure job or career.
The child finds that job, maybe as a doctor or a lawyer, or joins the Army or works for the government.
Generally, the child begins to make money, credit cards start to arrive in mass, and the shopping begins, if it already hasn't.
"Having money to burn, the child goes to places where other young people just like them hang out, and they meet people, they date, and sometimes they get married. Life is wonderful now, because today, both men and women work.
Two incomes are bliss. They feel successful, their future is bright, and they decide to buy a house, a car, a television, take vacations and have children. The happy bundle arrives. The demand for cash is enormous.
The happy couple decides that their careers are vitally important and begin to work harder, seeking promotions and raises. The raises come, and so does another child and the need for bigger house.
They work harder, become better employees, even more dedicated.
They go back to school to get more specialized skills so they can earn more money. Maybe they take a second job. Their incomes go up, but so does the tax bracket they're in and the real estate taxes on their new large house, and their Social Security taxes, and all the other taxes.
They get their large pay check and wonder where all the money went. They pay some mutual funds and buy groceries with their credit card. The children reach 5 or 6 years of age, and the need to save for college increase as well as the need to save for their retirement.
"That happy couple, born 35 years ago, is now trapped in the Rat Race for the rest of their working days. They work for the owners of their company, for the government paying taxes, and for the bank paying off a mortgage and credit cards.
"Then, they advise their own children to 'study hard, get good grades, and find a safe job or career.' They learn nothing about money, except from those who profit from their naivete, and work hard all their life. The process repeats into another hard-working generation. This is the 'Rat Race'.
"If you look at the life of the average-educated, hard-working person, there is a similar path. The child is born and goes to school.
The proud parents are excited because the child excels, get fair to good grades, and is accepted into a college.
The child graduates, maybe goes on to graduate school and then does exactly as programmed: looks for a safe, secure job or career.
The child finds that job, maybe as a doctor or a lawyer, or joins the Army or works for the government.
Generally, the child begins to make money, credit cards start to arrive in mass, and the shopping begins, if it already hasn't.
"Having money to burn, the child goes to places where other young people just like them hang out, and they meet people, they date, and sometimes they get married. Life is wonderful now, because today, both men and women work.
Two incomes are bliss. They feel successful, their future is bright, and they decide to buy a house, a car, a television, take vacations and have children. The happy bundle arrives. The demand for cash is enormous.
The happy couple decides that their careers are vitally important and begin to work harder, seeking promotions and raises. The raises come, and so does another child and the need for bigger house.
They work harder, become better employees, even more dedicated.
They go back to school to get more specialized skills so they can earn more money. Maybe they take a second job. Their incomes go up, but so does the tax bracket they're in and the real estate taxes on their new large house, and their Social Security taxes, and all the other taxes.
They get their large pay check and wonder where all the money went. They pay some mutual funds and buy groceries with their credit card. The children reach 5 or 6 years of age, and the need to save for college increase as well as the need to save for their retirement.
"That happy couple, born 35 years ago, is now trapped in the Rat Race for the rest of their working days. They work for the owners of their company, for the government paying taxes, and for the bank paying off a mortgage and credit cards.
"Then, they advise their own children to 'study hard, get good grades, and find a safe job or career.' They learn nothing about money, except from those who profit from their naivete, and work hard all their life. The process repeats into another hard-working generation. This is the 'Rat Race'.
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