Pastor's Testimonies about The Ancient Paths Seminars PDF | Print | E-mail
I am a blessed man. It was not always so. I come from a family of 12 children. There was a time when my life was bound by alcohol. Everywhere I looked, alcohol prevailed. My great-grandfather was an alcoholic, my grandfather was, my dad was, my brothers were, my uncles and everyone I knew were alcoholics! Not surprising, by age 12 I had experienced the effects of alcohol and it soon became the single most dominating part of my life.
As it is with alcoholism, sinfulness and devastation followed closely behind. My wife and I conceived our first child out of wedlock. Our finances were crippled and our marriage was in shambles. We had religion, but it did nothing for us!
We struggled through life for many years and then heard about a seminar called “Ancient Paths.” We attended not fully understanding what it was about or what it could do for us. It became a pivotal moment in our lives. It caused us to change. We took what we learned, applied those truths to our lives, and our lives became meaningful and wholesome.
We repented of our sins. We asked each other’s forgiveness. Then we blessed each other and asked God to bless our marriage. We didn’t stop there. We gathered together our whole family, three daughters, three sons-in-law, and our grandchildren. We explained to them what we had discovered. Then we washed their feet, and begged their forgiveness.
Generational curses began to break. Lies broke. Mistrust broke. Financial devastation broke. Just as Craig Hill had said, alcoholism broke. Not only did it break in our lives but no longer do our daughters, our sons-in-law, or our grandchildren drink. Not curses, but blessings are now being passed from one generation to another.
I’ve never heard anyone else say this, but although we never told our parents living away in another state what we experienced, the alcoholism broke in my dad’s life as well. At the age of 72 he quit drinking without notice! Blessings were not only being passed down, they started going up too!
My dad was never a religious man. At the age of 72, partly because of his drinking I suppose, he became a very sick man. Every time I went to visit him, I would pray for him before leaving. On one occasion, when it came time to leave, my mother asked if I would pray for him. I was running late and in a big hurry. I expressed desire to leave quickly. My mother could not believe it! “You’re not going to pray for your dad?” she asked repeatedly. I decided to go ahead with it when she said he was already up and waiting for me.
I entered the room and I placed my hand on his shoulder. But nothing came to me. “Lord” I said, “bless my dad and - - -” and words would not come to me. My dad took my hand from his shoulder, moved onto his heart and began saying “Father, bless my son. Bless his life. Bless his work. Bless his wife and his family. Bless his ministry. Bless him as he comes and goes. Bless everything he does and everything he says”. To my knowledge I am the only one of his children that he blessed before he passed on.
By the way, he committed his life to the Lord before he died. God is so gracious! Thanks FFI.
Pastor Steve Connelly
Living Springs Assembly of God
Glendale, Arizona
(623) 935-3202
I am a blessed man. It was not always so. I come from a family of 12 children. There was a time when my life was bound by alcohol. Everywhere I looked, alcohol prevailed. My great-grandfather was an alcoholic, my grandfather was, my dad was, my brothers were, my uncles and everyone I knew were alcoholics! Not surprising, by age 12 I had experienced the effects of alcohol and it soon became the single most dominating part of my life.
As it is with alcoholism, sinfulness and devastation followed closely behind. My wife and I conceived our first child out of wedlock. Our finances were crippled and our marriage was in shambles. We had religion, but it did nothing for us!
We struggled through life for many years and then heard about a seminar called “Ancient Paths.” We attended not fully understanding what it was about or what it could do for us. It became a pivotal moment in our lives. It caused us to change. We took what we learned, applied those truths to our lives, and our lives became meaningful and wholesome.
We repented of our sins. We asked each other’s forgiveness. Then we blessed each other and asked God to bless our marriage. We didn’t stop there. We gathered together our whole family, three daughters, three sons-in-law, and our grandchildren. We explained to them what we had discovered. Then we washed their feet, and begged their forgiveness.
Generational curses began to break. Lies broke. Mistrust broke. Financial devastation broke. Just as Craig Hill had said, alcoholism broke. Not only did it break in our lives but no longer do our daughters, our sons-in-law, or our grandchildren drink. Not curses, but blessings are now being passed from one generation to another.
I’ve never heard anyone else say this, but although we never told our parents living away in another state what we experienced, the alcoholism broke in my dad’s life as well. At the age of 72 he quit drinking without notice! Blessings were not only being passed down, they started going up too!
My dad was never a religious man. At the age of 72, partly because of his drinking I suppose, he became a very sick man. Every time I went to visit him, I would pray for him before leaving. On one occasion, when it came time to leave, my mother asked if I would pray for him. I was running late and in a big hurry. I expressed desire to leave quickly. My mother could not believe it! “You’re not going to pray for your dad?” she asked repeatedly. I decided to go ahead with it when she said he was already up and waiting for me.
I entered the room and I placed my hand on his shoulder. But nothing came to me. “Lord” I said, “bless my dad and - - -” and words would not come to me. My dad took my hand from his shoulder, moved onto his heart and began saying “Father, bless my son. Bless his life. Bless his work. Bless his wife and his family. Bless his ministry. Bless him as he comes and goes. Bless everything he does and everything he says”. To my knowledge I am the only one of his children that he blessed before he passed on.
By the way, he committed his life to the Lord before he died. God is so gracious! Thanks FFI.
Pastor Steve Connelly
Living Springs Assembly of God
Glendale, Arizona
(623) 935-3202
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