Poverty is a curse that you must aware of. For you to experience prosperity you must identify curses and deal with it. You will be frustrated if you embrace a curse.
I can see curse that operates in so many places all over the world. No matter how much effort they made still frustrations and the sweat still remain. I can see that poverty and lack is a curse. Very important for each one who wants to experience divine provision to see poverty as a curse. In Deuteronomy 28 blessing and curses will fall upon Israel if they disobeyed the Word of God. One of the curses was poverty and lack being always in need.Deuteronomy 28:48 therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the LORD sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.
I myself believe that poverty is a curse because God puts poverty in the category of a curse.
I am also aware that that some people take vows of poverty. I respect for their great sacrifice to the Lord. However i can see that when God cursed Israel the first result is poverty.
Upon looking the realities of life today we can see a lot who are starving,died because of famine,wars around the world that contributes to this.
Now is the time to align ourselves to God and obey all His commands. Deuteronomy 28 spoke the blessings and curses. Your present situation right now is the result of your choices either you obey God or disobeyed Him.
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